OREANDA-NEWS Specialists from RN-Purneftegaz, one of Rosneft's main oil and gas production centers in Yamal, have implemented a non-contact magnetometric diagnostic method for field pipelines. The new domestic technology allows detecting changes in the magnetic field from a distance of up to 10 meters, which help identify various defects in the pipeline, Rosneft said in a statement.

With the help of remote diagnostics, up to 20 kilometers of pipelines are examined per day without stopping them and changing the operating mode. It is noted that the magnetometric complex visualizes the data and makes the GPS coordinates binding. At the same time, the speed of the flaw detector along the pipeline does not affect the quality of the data obtained. After processing and interpreting the data, the hardware complex independently draws up a conclusion on the technical condition of the pipeline with an electronic map of the detected anomalies.

The methods of technical diagnostics that were used earlier (opening of the pipeline section and in-pipe flaw detection) required significantly more time.

The contactless magnetometric method has been successfully tested at the Komsomolskoye field. The company notes that the new technology makes it possible to effectively inspect pipelines where it is impossible to perform in-line diagnostics. As part of the production efficiency improvement program, a non-contact magnetometric method for the diagnosis of field pipelines will be offered this year for replication at Rosneft's production facilities.