OREANDA-NEWS  By 2035, the share of candidates and doctors of sciences among the teaching staff (teaching staff) will decrease to 42.6 and 6.9 percent, respectively. Vedomosti writes about this forecast with reference to a study by the Center for Economics of Continuing Education at the Institute of Applied Economic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

For comparison, in 2023, these figures were 57.3 and 14.7 percent. According to experts, in absolute numbers, 18.2 thousand candidates and 2.5 thousand doctors of sciences will be missing in the Russian Federation. Analysts noted that Russia is already lagging behind the leading countries in the global Innovation Index (GII) in terms of the number of graduate students. The GII is published annually by the World Intellectual Property Organization, it is based on 81 indicators and reflects the level of innovative development of states.

Already, the number of retiring teachers with academic titles exceeds the number of graduate students who are preparing to receive them. According to Stepan Kalmykov, Vice President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, scientific director of the Chemical Faculty of Moscow State University, one of the reasons for the global problem with the training of scientific personnel is the low scholarships of graduate students. There is a kind of "social collusion" between scientific supervisors and graduate students, when the former receive teaching experience, while the latter use an almost free dormitory, working in parallel, and leave graduate school closer to its completion, he added.

Kalmykov said that about one in two students leaves graduate school because they cannot combine work and scientific activity. Alexander Mazhuga, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education, also pointed out the low scholarship of graduate students. He stressed that payments to students should be such that a graduate student could safely engage in science, being distracted only by teaching activities. Mazhuga added that there is already great competition between Russian universities for higher teaching staff.

Earlier, the Duma proposed paying social scholarships to students who got married during their studies and have a minor child. In accordance with the draft law prepared by deputies from the LDPR faction, the payment of scholarships is also due to single students with minor children, including adoptive parents and guardians.