OREANDA-NEWS  Vitaly Milonov, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family Protection, Fatherhood, Motherhood and Childhood, called for banning Turkish TV series in Russia. His words are quoted by the radio station "Moscow Speaks".

Milonov called the multi-part films popular in Russia "utter nonsense", forming misconceptions among viewers about life in Turkey. "All these Natasha eaters… These kebab vendors who suddenly decided they were good actors. There is not a single sensible actor in Turkey, they are all absolutely incompetent, cheap buffoons," Milonov was indignant.

The deputy noted that Turkish projects are "untrue fairy tales" that create unrealistic images of foreigners in the minds of Russians. "Let them show how it really is, she will go there and they will beat her with a stick. The children will be taken away and kicked out if she says a word against it," he concluded.

Earlier, the Turkish TV series "Knock on my door" became the most popular show among Russians. The plot of the romantic comedy is dedicated to the relationship between businessman Serkan Bolat and flower shop employee Eda Yildiz.