OREANDA-NEWS  The online distribution service for computer games and Steam programs, at the request of Roskomnadzor (RCN), removed all materials prohibited in the Russian Federation from its resources, the press service of the department told reporters.

"Steam has complied with the requirements of the law on the removal of prohibited information. Links to 11 Internet pages previously entered in the Register (prohibited information - IF) will be excluded from it. In total, the platform has deleted more than 260 materials containing illegal content," the RCN said.

They clarified that 11 pages with illegal content were deleted by the company over the past week.

The agency added that earlier the RCN recorded the placement of illegal content by the service on its resource, after which it entered links to such materials into the Unified Register of Prohibited Information.

"Some media mistakenly interpreted the inclusion of individual pages of the resource in the Registry as blocking such pages or even the entire service. Once again, we draw the media's attention to the inadmissibility of publishing unverified information," the ministry's press service said.

RCN reported that according to Article 15.1 of Law No. 149-FZ, after the link is included in the Unified Register of Prohibited Information, such an Internet page is not automatically blocked - a request to delete prohibited information is sent to the hosting provider and the owner of the Internet resource.

Steam is an online digital distribution service for computer games and programs developed and maintained by the American company Valve. It was launched in September 2003.