29.04.2020, 09:46
Pavel Durov's Blockchain Platform Will Have Its Own Operating System
OREANDA-NEWS. In the near future, the TON OS application, the operating system for the TON blockchain platform, will appear in the Play Store and AppStore application stores. This was told to the Russian media by a source close to Telegram.
Earlier, an announcement appeared on the TON Labs website that TON OS, “an end-to-end open source infrastructure that will allow developers and users to work with the TON blockchain”, will be launched this spring. Applications for installing the operating system have already been developed and will soon become available for mass use on smartphones and laptops, the source said.
TON OS is not an alternative to existing operating systems, it will be an add-on for devices to support applications on the blockchain, he says. “Nobody bought the first PCs either, because at best there were two programs on them. We are on the blockchain at about the time when the first programs for computers appeared even before the era of DOS operating systems”, said the source of the Russian media.
According to him, until now TON OS has been available for blockchain developers, now a user interface has been added to it, and in the future it will be designed for any users.
Earlier, an announcement appeared on the TON Labs website that TON OS, “an end-to-end open source infrastructure that will allow developers and users to work with the TON blockchain”, will be launched this spring. Applications for installing the operating system have already been developed and will soon become available for mass use on smartphones and laptops, the source said.
TON OS is not an alternative to existing operating systems, it will be an add-on for devices to support applications on the blockchain, he says. “Nobody bought the first PCs either, because at best there were two programs on them. We are on the blockchain at about the time when the first programs for computers appeared even before the era of DOS operating systems”, said the source of the Russian media.
According to him, until now TON OS has been available for blockchain developers, now a user interface has been added to it, and in the future it will be designed for any users.