04.06.2020, 12:30
Pavel Durov: 30 Million Russians Use Telegram
OREANDA-NEWS. 30 million people use Telegram in Russia, said its founder Pavel Durov. He believes that unblocking the messenger in Russia could have a positive impact on the innovative development and national security of the country.
“Not so long ago, State Duma deputies Fedot Tumusov and Dmitry Ionin proposed unblocking Telegram in Russia. I welcome this initiative. Unblocking would allow 30 million Telegram users in Russia to use the service more comfortably. In addition, it could have a positive impact on innovative development and national security countries", he wrote in his official channel.
“Not so long ago, State Duma deputies Fedot Tumusov and Dmitry Ionin proposed unblocking Telegram in Russia. I welcome this initiative. Unblocking would allow 30 million Telegram users in Russia to use the service more comfortably. In addition, it could have a positive impact on innovative development and national security countries", he wrote in his official channel.