30.10.2023, 21:22
Durov blocked the channel "Morning of Dagestan" because of calls for violence against Jews
OREANDA-NEWS Telegram founder Pavel Durov said that the messenger will block all channels calling for violence. After that, the Telegram channel "Morning of Dagestan" was blocked, which called for violence against the Jewish population the day before, when crowds of Dagestanis broke into Makhachkala airport, protesting against the arrival of a flight from Tel Aviv.
"Channels calling for violence (as in the screenshot above) will be blocked for violating the rules of Telegram, Google, Apple and the entire civilized world," Pavel Durov wrote on his channel. He also posted a meme where his photo in the image with a beard and a raised finger is accompanied by the inscription "persecution of people on national or religious grounds is unacceptable."
Pavel Durov attached a screenshot of yesterday's message from the channel "Morning of Dagestan" to the post. It talks about hatred of Jews, the inadmissibility of their presence in Dagestan, and also there is a call for violence against the Jewish population in a rough form.
The night before, hundreds of Dagestanis gathered at Makhachkala airport to prevent the arrival of Israeli citizens in the country. The protesters broke through the cordon into the terminal and onto the runway where the plane was parked, arriving on a flight from Tel Aviv. Four police officers were injured. 60 rioters were detained.
The head of Dagestan, Sergei Melikov, said that "Bandera traitors" from Ukraine were behind the riots. According to him, the channel "Morning Dagestan" was coordinated by enemies from Ukraine — "those who hate the sacred for us, traditional things that we have been living for many years."
The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharova adheres to the same point of view: She said that the "Kiev regime" played a key role in provoking unrest at the Makhachkala airport.
"Channels calling for violence (as in the screenshot above) will be blocked for violating the rules of Telegram, Google, Apple and the entire civilized world," Pavel Durov wrote on his channel. He also posted a meme where his photo in the image with a beard and a raised finger is accompanied by the inscription "persecution of people on national or religious grounds is unacceptable."
Pavel Durov attached a screenshot of yesterday's message from the channel "Morning of Dagestan" to the post. It talks about hatred of Jews, the inadmissibility of their presence in Dagestan, and also there is a call for violence against the Jewish population in a rough form.
The night before, hundreds of Dagestanis gathered at Makhachkala airport to prevent the arrival of Israeli citizens in the country. The protesters broke through the cordon into the terminal and onto the runway where the plane was parked, arriving on a flight from Tel Aviv. Four police officers were injured. 60 rioters were detained.
The head of Dagestan, Sergei Melikov, said that "Bandera traitors" from Ukraine were behind the riots. According to him, the channel "Morning Dagestan" was coordinated by enemies from Ukraine — "those who hate the sacred for us, traditional things that we have been living for many years."
The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharova adheres to the same point of view: She said that the "Kiev regime" played a key role in provoking unrest at the Makhachkala airport.