Public health
According to the Brazilian Press Association, the head of state “violated the isolation regime recommended by doctors,” did not maintain distance and took off his mask.
According to Sergey Lavrov, more than 30 African countries have already sent appeals for help to the Russian Federation.
This was announced by Senator Robert Menendez on his Twitter page.
The laboratory by mistake did not identify SARS-CoV-2 in the Tsarsko Selo’s defender Martin Kavdanski, which allowed him to participate in the match.
This was declared by spokesperson of the organization, Margaret Harris.
“It was all frozen, and now it is melting,” Sergey Davydov explained.
At its completion, the world can go only two ways, Antonio Guterres wrote in an article for Aftonbladet.
One man is hospitalized in the city of Bayannur, autonomous region of Inner Mongolia.
It is considered that the GH strain spreads six times faster than other subspecies of the new virus.
At the first stage, entry will be allowed for residents of 14 states.