OREANDA-NEWS By persecuting the co-founder of the Telegram messenger Pavel Durov, French President Emmanuel Macaron is doing something similar to what he previously groundlessly accused others of. This was pointed out by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, in Telegram.

Thus, she commented on the statement of the French leader that it was not about political persecution of Durov, but about legal proceedings. "I think the next question for Macron will be: 'What does it feel like to be in the place of those whom you groundlessly accused yesterday of doing what you are doing today?'" she said.

Durov was detained on August 24 at Le Bourget airport in Paris, and then taken under judicial supervision. The founder of Telegram is suspected of complicity in offenses under 12 articles. All passports were seized from the businessman, he was obliged to live at an address determined by the court and report to the police station twice a week. In addition, Durov will need to pay a deposit of five million euros