OREANDA-NEWS The bank for entrepreneurs of JSC Tochka filed six lawsuits against the "daughter" of MTS PJSC – JSC Russian Telephone Company (RTC) in the intellectual property court. Information about this is published in the file of arbitration cases.

Two lawsuits have already been accepted for production, meetings on them are scheduled for October 7. In the materials of one of the cases, it is indicated that the financial organization requires the early termination of the legal protection of the trademark "Dot" in respect of goods and services in 4 classes of the international classification – due to its non-use. The court involved Rospatent as a third party in the case.

According to the trademark information, the RTC's right to use the Tochka trademark is valid until mid-October 2027.

As the Tochka press service explained to Interfax, all six lawsuits are related to the Tochka trademarks, which were registered by the RTC.

"According to our data, these signs have not been used by the company for a long time. In order for us to freely use the Dot trademark, we were forced to go to court, as during the negotiations it was not possible to come to a solution to the situation," the press service of the financial organization explained.

The MTS press service, in turn, reported that trademarks are registered and used within the framework of current legislation.

"The plaintiff contacted us about the assignment of rights to these signs, but offered unacceptable conditions that violate the interests of the RTC," MTS added.

RTK manages the MTS retail network. According to the results of the second quarter of 2024, the number of MTS salons is 4,224.

Tochka is a digital bank that provides a range of financial and non–financial services for entrepreneurs and enterprises. The Bank operates under its own universal license.