OREANDA-NEWS  This year may be among the ten warmest in Russia in the last 30 years. This title was predicted to him by the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources Alexander Kozlov during a meeting with President Vladimir Putin, the official's words are quoted by the Interfax news agency.

"According to experts, this year may be among the ten warmest in the last 30 years. Approximately now, according to the forecast, we are observing temperatures that were last in 2012," the minister said.

Kozlov also said that due to the intense heat, the situation with forest fires in the country is becoming more complicated. Their peak is predicted in the next two to three weeks. "In addition to the Far East, we forecast in the second half of July - August (forest fires) in the Tomsk region, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tyva, Irkutsk region and Khanty-Mansiysk district. This is something that needs to be paid special attention to," the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources noted.

Earlier in the day, residents of several regions of the country were warned about 40-degree heat.