OREANDA-NEWS The US Department of Agriculture, in its May review published on Friday, provided the first forecasts for grain harvest and exports in the new agricultural year (July 2024 - June 2025).

According to the report, wheat harvest in Russia is expected to be 88 million tons and its exports are projected to be 52 million tons. This is in contrast to the EU's forecast for wheat exports of 34 million tons.

The estimated feed grain harvest in Russia is 41.53 million tons and its export is expected to be 10.65 million tons. Corn harvest is projected at 16 million tons with an export of 5.2 million tons.

It's worth noting that the US Department of Agriculture's forecasts do not include data on Crimea or new territories.

Overall, the global wheat harvest for the new agricultural year is projected at 798.19 million tons, with feed grain at 1 billion 512.62 million and corn at 1 billion 219.93 million.