OREANDA-NEWS  Anton Gorelkin, deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, believes in his Telegram channel that it is right to lay down a mechanism for legalizing content on Russian video hosting sites for foreign bloggers.

"... It would be right to lay down some kind of mechanism for foreign bloggers to further legalize content on the Russian site. So that the conditional Mr. Best could, if desired, gain control over his videos and continue to run his channel officially," the deputy wrote in his Telegram channel. Gorelkin believes that one of the possible effects of YouTube degradation may be the appearance of channels of foreign bloggers and celebrities on Russian video hosting sites. "If there is no complaint from the copyright holder, then there is no problem," he added, comparing the "re–uploading" of someone else's content with pirated films.

The deputy believes that domestic video hosting companies should provide content authors with convenient tools for moving.

Earlier, the head of the State Duma Committee on information Policy, Alexander Khinshtein, said that by the end of the week, the download speed of YouTube on computers could decrease to 40%, by the end of the next — to 70%.