OREANDA-NEWS In June 2024, the average amount of the so-called "payday loan" in Russia increased to 10 thousand 80 rubles. This was reported by the National Bureau of Credit Histories (NBKI).

In annual terms, the growth was 9.8 percent. In June 2023, it was about the amount of 9.18 thousand rubles.

The largest average size of such a loan was recorded in Moscow — 11.97 thousand rubles. In St. Petersburg - 10.96 thousand, in the Moscow region — 10.87 thousand, in the Krasnodar Territory — 10.50 thousand rubles.

Microloans grew the most in the Stavropol Territory, Yakutia, Orenburg, Sverdlovsk and Kemerovo regions. They decreased in the Krasnodar and Altai Territories, Nizhny Novgorod and Chelyabinsk regions, as well as St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Earlier it was reported that the average amount of consumer credit in June reached 211 thousand rubles. In the first month of summer, almost three million cash loans worth 631.36 billion rubles were issued. A year ago, we were talking about the amount of 695.28 billion rubles.

In addition, the issuance of loans for the purchase of housing accelerated in June. Mortgage growth accelerated to 3.1 percent.