OREANDA-NEWS  A representative of the Russian Export Center (REC, VEB Group.Russian Federation) Najibullah Jabbori has been appointed in the United Arab Emirates, the center reports.

"An exclusive interview with a new foreign representative of the REC is available in the Exporter's Knowledge Base, an online multimedia library with useful materials in the field of foreign economic activity," the message says.

It adds that in an interview Jabbori shared his vision of Russia's cooperation with the countries of the Middle East and answered the most popular questions that businesses face when working in the UAE market.

Jabbori started his career in the REC Group in 2017 as an employee of the REC representative office in Iran. Currently, he is the curator of the Middle East and Africa regions, has extensive experience in the field of foreign economic activity with MENA countries.

"Over the past few years, the UAE has become Russia's main trade and economic partner among Arab countries. In 2023, the trade turnover between our countries reached a maximum level, exceeding $ 10 billion. Our partnership, built on respect and the desire for mutually beneficial cooperation, opens up new horizons for Russian companies to develop and scale. I am sure that understanding the specifics of the UAE market and the support of the REC at every stage will allow our business, even in the midst of active competition, to take advantage of the opportunities and effectively allocate its resources," stressed the new representative of the REC in the UAE.

During the conversation, they discussed the current state of trade and economic cooperation between Russia and the UAE, the structure of trade, the specifics of promoting and perceiving Russian products, as well as issues of certification, logistics and mutual settlements.