OREANDA-NEWS In the Sverdlovsk region, FSB officers eliminated an agent of the military intelligence of Ukraine, who was preparing to undermine one of the heads of a defense enterprise. This is reported by TASS with reference to the department.

According to the security forces, a 40-year-old man, on the instructions of the curators, made an improvised explosive device (IED), which was intended to blow up the car of the alleged victim. The arrest occurred at the time of laying the IED in the cache, but the man offered armed resistance and was neutralized by return fire.

A Makarov pistol with cartridges, a high-power radio-controlled IED and communications equipment were seized from the scene, which contained correspondence confirming the preparation of a terrorist attack. The men also conducted searches at their place of residence and in the garage and found instructions and components for making explosives and explosive devices.

It is reported that the liquidated person was a member of a Ukrainian terrorist organization banned in Russia. The persons who assisted him are being identified.

Earlier it was reported that the FSB detained a resident of Mariupol in the case of treason.