OREANDA-NEWS  The Foreign Ministers of Russia and Mexico, Sergey Lavrov and Alicia Barsena, had a telephone conversation on June 14 and discussed Russian-Mexican relations and the situation around Ukraine, the Russian Foreign Ministry reports.

"The current issues of Russian-Mexican relations, current international and regional topics, including the situation around Ukraine, were discussed," the message says.

Lavrov congratulated Barcena on the successful presidential elections in Mexico on June 2.

On June 2, presidential elections were held in Mexico, which were won by the candidate of the ruling Movement of National Revival (Morena) party Claudia Sheinbaum, becoming the first female president of Mexico.

On June 3, Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated her on her victory, noting that Mexico is traditionally a friendly partner of Russia in the Latin American region, and expressing hope for further development of constructive cooperation between the two countries.

The President of Mexico is elected for a term of six years. The inauguration will take place four months after the elections, and the president will take office on October 1.

Sheinbaum may continue the policy of incumbent President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador aimed at strengthening the party's influence on the judicial system, reducing government funding and weakening the fight against drug cartels.