OREANDA-NEWS  At a meeting on Thursday, the State Duma adopted in the first reading a bill banning the ideology of childfree - propaganda of non-procreation.

The draft law proposes to ban information promoting the rejection of childbearing on the Internet, the media, movies, and advertising. In particular, it is proposed to amend articles 10.6 and 15.1 of the law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

The authors of initiative No. 724769-8 were Speaker of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko, as well as a large group of deputies and senators.

As Volodin previously noted, the provisions of the bill do not apply to a woman's decision to refuse to have a child.

"We are talking about the propaganda of the ideology of non-procreation, the law does not cover a woman's decision to refuse to give birth to a child," the speaker of the State Duma told reporters.

According to him, "the purpose of the bill is to stop any destructive content that may affect a person's decision to have children." "Without banning it, we will not solve the problem of demography," the chairman of the State Duma believes. In his opinion, "the propaganda of childlessness is a socially dangerous phenomenon."

As noted by one of the initiators of the draft law, State Duma deputy Elvira Aitkulova, the bill proposes to ban precisely the propaganda of non-procreation, and not personal opinion. "The ideology of childlessness is literally stitching through the information space today. First of all, we need to work with the destructive content that goes from childfree to childhate, sets very strict definitions for those who have children today, cause hatred towards them, and our task is to stop all this," Aitkulova told reporters on Thursday.

She also stated that there was no groundlessness in talking about the connection of the bill with the introduction of a tax on childlessness. "Our package of bills has nothing to do with the introduction of a tax on childlessness. Moreover, this issue was not discussed in the State Duma," Aitkulova added.