OREANDA-NEWS  The amount of damage from the abnormal drought in Ingushetia, according to preliminary estimates, amounted to 375.9 million rubles. The head of the Russian region, Mahmud-Ali Kalimatov, told about this in his Telegram channel.

He noted that extreme weather events caused the death of part of the crop, a serious blow was inflicted on winter and spring crops. According to Kalimatov, due to drought, crops on an area of more than 26 thousand hectares were destroyed in the republic, which is 38 percent of all sown areas of Ingushetia.

More than 200 farmers have faced enormous losses, they have already appealed to the authorities for help, the head of the region added. In addition, he said that an extraordinary meeting of the commission for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations will be held in the republic.

Earlier it became known that the government of Ingushetia decided to introduce a state of emergency in the republic after the death of crops due to heat and drought. In the summer of 2024, the region was hit by a heat wave of 35-40 degrees, as well as a drought — there was no precipitation for more than ten days. These factors negatively affected the growth and development of plants.