OREANDA-NEWS The Tagansky Court of Moscow issued a ruling stating that the reason for the Telegram messenger's fine was the refusal to remove prohibited content from 22 channels, according to documents available to RIA Novosti.

As follows from the resolution, letters were repeatedly sent to the company demanding the removal of prohibited content published in 22 different channels.

We are talking about the dissemination of false information aimed at destabilizing the socio-political situation in Russia, justifying the activities of the terrorist organization Islamic State*, publications calling for participation in mass (public) events in violation of the law, as well as the removal of offers to purchase forged documents.

In early December 2024, the court's press service informed RIA Novosti about a fine of 4 million rubles for the Telegram messenger for refusing to remove prohibited content, but the reasons were given later in a published ruling.

Telegram Messanger inc. was found guilty of committing an administrative offense under Part 2 of Article 13.41 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.