OREANDA-NEWS The Center for X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Research will be established at Novosibirsk State University (NSU) by the end of 2024 to provide personnel and tasks for the synchtron Siberian Ring Photon Source (SKIF). The structure being created will unite scientists whose scientific interests are related to the use of specialized sources of synchrotron radiation and neutrons, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science told TASS.

"Our center is designed to help provide highly qualified specialists and form a stable flow of scientific and applied tasks in need of synchrotron experiments, and we have begun in advance to form the appropriate scientific agenda of NSU and to train personnel," the words of the project manager, head of the Department of Physical Methods of Solid State Research at NSU Sergey Tsybuli are quoted in the message.

Several important sub-projects are currently being implemented as part of the creation of the center. The fundamental principles of the directional design of new functional materials, as well as new methods for their production, processing and diagnostics using synchrotron radiation, are being developed. Equipment is being created and techniques are being developed for conducting radiation tests on fast neutrons. The spatial structures of DNA repair enzymes are analyzed. The Center will cooperate with the NSU CCP "SKIF" in the creation and subsequent operation of the SKIF - NSU educational and research station "Basic methods of synchrotron diagnostics for educational, research and innovative activities of students." It will contribute to the expansion of scientific research, the development of diagnostic methods for materials of various functional purposes, inorganic, organic, biological objects using X-ray, synchrotron and neutron sources. The newly created structure will also implement educational programs for the implementation of comprehensive training of scientific personnel for synchrotron and neutron research in several scientific areas. The Center will propose changes to existing educational programs to faculties and develop teaching aids. The project is being implemented within the framework of the Priority 2030 program.