OREANDA-NEWS  Russians who lost their homes in emergency situations (emergencies) were offered to give out a new one to replace the lost one for free. The corresponding bill will be submitted to the State Duma by LDPR deputies on Monday, July 8, Izvestia writes.

According to the document, one category of Russians will be able to receive a certificate for the purchase of real estate at the expense of the federal budget. The procedure for their issuance will be determined by the Government. According to the authors of the initiative, until 2023, a government decree was in force in the Russian Federation regulating the issuance of special certificates for those who lost their homes due to emergencies. Now it has lost its force, since it was decided that the regional authorities, together with insurance companies, should develop programs to compensate for this damage.

The deputies explained that the available measures are not enough, since the participation of citizens in the program is voluntary, and those who have not insured housing can count on assistance from budgets according to social norms. In addition, the authors of the bill proposed to consolidate the right to free housing for residents of Orsk who lost their former homes due to flooding in April.

Some deputies supported the return of housing certificates, but some others, despite the urgency of the problem, noted that the government is unlikely to support this initiative because it will require the allocation of large sums from the budget, especially in conditions of reduced preferential mortgages. According to the latter, it will be possible to solve the problem through the systematic construction of rental housing — there is little of it in Russia, unlike in other countries.

Earlier it became known that the former family members of the owners of privatized housing, seized in connection with further demolition or reconstruction, decided to issue a new one from the municipal fund.