OREANDA-NEWS  In the fall of 2024, Russians will face a major wave of fraudulent attacks using deepfake technology. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the RANEPA press service.

The relevant conclusions were made by the experts of the scientific research laboratory "Linguistic security and psychology of information impact". According to Gennady Slyshkin, head of the laboratory, the reasons for the forecast are both technological and political in nature.

"Firstly, the programs with which the deepfake is formed have become quite easy to use, so there is no need for long-term training of call center employees. Secondly, the Ukrainian authorities found themselves in a situation of financial crisis and ideological agony, and proceeds from fraud are both a good monetary "recharge" and an opportunity to support the morale of their own population at the expense of the troubles of Russians," Slyshkin commented.

Irina Smirnov, an expert at the laboratory, clarified that fraudsters are increasingly resorting to phone calls on behalf of status and media personalities. In the future, this scheme may develop towards calls from "immediate supervisors" or "close relatives" who will ask to transfer money or provide access to "Public Services".

Earlier, Russians were warned that intruders were stealing Russian accounts on the Gosuslugi portal by sending fake links to a doctor's appointment. Scammers write to Russians, posing as specialists of the Unified Medical Information and Analytical System (EMIAS). Through a Telegram chatbot, they send a link to a portal where, according to them, you can make an appointment with a doctor.