OREANDA-NEWS  The majority of Russians (77.8 percent) consider the ability to manage people and processes to be the most important skill for business development. The skills necessary for successful business management were named in the study of the educational platform "Netology" and the GenGo business navigator, the Newspaper reports.Ru».

Another 71.3 percent of respondents consider the ability to take risks, be flexible and make quick decisions to be the most important. About 51.9 percent put knowledge of legal and financial fundamentals in the first place, 51.7 percent — leadership qualities and the ability to convince, and 51.1 percent — knowledge of marketing tools.

54.3 percent of the respondents admitted that they want to develop their entrepreneurial skills. 25.9 percent consider this factor necessary to promote their business, while 28.4 percent expect to use it to open their own business. 45.5 percent complained of a lack of money to develop entrepreneurial skills, and 22 percent complained of a lack of time. Another 13.9 percent said they did not see the point in this, as they liked to work for hire.

Almost all (85.9 percent) of Russians believe that entrepreneurship can be learned. 67.3 percent believe that practice will help, and another 59.9 percent note the positive impact on skills from interaction with the business community. Universities and business schools (43.4 percent), online and offline trainings and courses (35.9 percent) and online universities (27.7 percent) have also become popular training formats. The remaining 11.5 percent of respondents believe that entrepreneurial skills should be born.

Earlier, a survey among young people showed that young Russians are ready to start a career from the lowest non-prestigious positions.