OREANDA-NEWS More than half of Russians consider comprehensive employer support for employee health to be important. 

49 percent of the survey participants mean by the support of the VMI policy and the corporate health program — a gym (35 percent of the votes), a psychologist (22 percent) and a swimming pool (14 percent). Another 17 percent consider it necessary not only to have VMI, but also to have an entire health management system in the company.

However, most often the expectations of Russians are not justified. 32 percent of the survey participants admitted that they were not satisfied with the measures taken by the company, another 40 percent rated them only satisfactorily.

Only 39 percent of the respondents are provided with VMI, and 28 percent of the employer does not offer anything at all within the framework of health management. Only 9 percent have access to a psychologist or gym, 8 percent have access to a swimming pool, and 3 percent have access to a massage. A single health monitoring system, which includes several services, is offered to 5 percent of respondents.

Earlier it became known that the majority of Russian employees are ready to give up a higher salary in favor of a social package.