OREANDA-NEWS In the first two decades of March, Russian thermal coal supplies to China collapsed almost twice (by 49 percent) compared to the same period a year earlier. This is reported by Kommersant with reference to Kpler data.

A year earlier, the average weekly shipment was 534 thousand tons, and now it is 251 thousand. Shipments to the rest of the Asia-Pacific region (APR) fell by six percent, to 614 thousand tons per week.

European sanctions against the Russian coal industry have led to China becoming the main export market for domestic companies. At the same time, it cannot be called a reliable direction due to a number of features.

The total volume of consumption in China is about five billion tons per year, of which imports account for five percent. So even a slight decrease in domestic demand can significantly affect supplies from abroad. To protect its companies, Beijing applies import duties, thus shifting problems to suppliers.

Alexander Kotov, consulting partner at NEFT Research, noted that large coal stocks in Chinese ports are putting pressure on supplies. Other experts point out that it is unlikely that it will be possible to replace the falling volumes of Chinese demand in other areas. Emerging markets prefer cheap, low-calorie coals, and current fuel prices are such that expensive logistics for Russian suppliers hardly pays off.