OREANDA-NEWS  According to the results of the first nine months of 2024, the total volume of exports of meat and poultry offal from Russia increased by 11 percent compared to the same period in 2023 and reached the level of 264,157 thousand tons. This is reported by TASS with reference to the materials of the presentation by Gleb Golubev, Deputy Head of the Department of Veterinary Supervision for Export-Import Operations, Transport and International Cooperation of the Rosselkhoznadzor.

During the reporting period, exports of beef and offal increased by 22 percent and amounted to 31,674 thousand tons. In turn, the volume of exports of pork and offal increased by 24 percent and reached the level of 189,166 thousand tons. As for finished meat products, Russia increased their exports by 21 percent, to 61.618 thousand tons, Golubev said.

He added that currently domestic suppliers ship various types of meat and offal to more than 105 countries, and finished meat products to 36 countries. Russian beef exports go to 38 countries, pork to 21 countries, Golubev summed up.

Russian meat exports have been growing for several years. Earlier, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said that over the past ten years, the total export of livestock products from the country has increased tenfold. The Head of Government noted that foreign buyers are showing great interest in various types of Russian meat, including pork and beef. According to the head of the National Meat Association (NMA) Sergey Yushin, the geography of supplies of these products from the Russian Federation includes almost 100 countries.