OREANDA-NEWS  Vladimir Putin instructed to prepare a plan for the construction of the exhibition complex of the National Center "Russia", the corresponding list is published on the Kremlin's website.

"The Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, together with the government of Moscow and the autonomous non—profit organization Directorate of the Exhibition of Achievements "Russia", prepare an action plan for the construction of the exhibition complex of the National Center "Russia" in Moscow," the document says.

The report must be submitted by October 1, 2024. Those responsible are the first deputy head of the Presidential Administration, Sergey Kiriyenko, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin and Director General of the ANO Directorate of the Exhibition of Achievements "Russia" Natalia Virtuozova.

Putin also instructed the presidential administration to transform the organizing committee of the Rossiya exhibition into the organizing committee of the Rossiya National Center by September 1, 2024 and determine its composition. The responsible person is Sergey Kiriyenko.

In turn, the government must provide financing for the activities of the National Center and its branches in the constituent entities of Russia by October 1, 2024, including through the provision of inter-budgetary transfers. In addition, the Cabinet of Ministers was instructed to ensure, by November 1, 2024, the permanent participation of federal executive authorities, state corporations, public law companies and other organizations working in various sectors of the economy in the work of the National Center "Russia", as well as their annual referral to the autonomous non-profit organization "Directorate of the Exhibition of Achievements "Russia" of plans for their participation in the work of the center. The responsible person is Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

The Head of State also instructed the government, together with the presidential Administration and the Directorate of the Exhibition of Achievements of Russia, to prepare a strategy for presenting the country's achievements in various sectors of the economy and culture at key international events. In addition, they were instructed to ensure the creation of educational materials about the experience of the exhibition "Russia" and about the activities of the National Center "Russia" for use in the educational process. The report must be submitted by October 1, 2024. Responsible are Natalia Virtuozova, Sergey Kiriyenko and Mikhail Mishustin.

In addition, the Cabinet of Ministers, the presidential Administration and the Directorate of the Exhibition of Achievements "Russia" should organize the international science fiction symposium and the exhibition "Creating the Future" in 2024 on the territory of the National Center "Russia", ensuring their financing. The report must be submitted by January 1, 2025.

The President also recommended that the executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Federation take part in the work of the National Center "Russia", including its branches in the regions, and annually send plans for their participation in the work of the center to the autonomous non-profit organization "Directorate of the Exhibition of Achievements "Russia". The report must be submitted by November 1, 2024, and the responsible officials are the highest officials of the constituent entities of the Federation.