“Unfortunately, at the moment we have not received any compromise proposals from the Ukrainian side,” Aleksey Nikonorov said.
The Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs claimed that the initiative will help in the efforts of the contact group on Ukraine and the leaders of states and governments.
The publication refers to American officials recently acquainted with the latest intelligence data.
It will be done, only if the EU fulfills its promises given in 2016, Turkish President stated.
“Inviting Russia to become a part of a common geopolitical space would be a strategic mistake,” Gitanas Nauseda stated.
“I am sure that Russia will go through this turbulent period with dignity and calmness,” the President said.
160 senators voted in favor of the draft law, 1 voted nay, 3 abstained.
“…If they don’t keep their word, we won’t avoid answering them more strongly than last time,” Turkish President said.
Viktor Medvedchuk said that the place and time will be determined in the near future.
“Our pathetic, slow moving Federal Reserve… should get our Fed Rate down to the levels of our competitor nations,” the politician wrote on Twitter.
Turkish President said that the White House’s position is no longer so categorical as it was before.
The declared number of participants is 50 thousand.
According to the agency, the task is to ensure that it covers not only existing equipment, but also “the range of new Russian systems that are being developed.”
A Proposal to Annul a Restriction on the Number of Presidential Terms Came to the Russian State Duma
Speaker of the lower house of parliament said the initiative requires consultation with the President and faction leaders, and announced a break in the meeting.