OREANDA-NEWS St. Petersburg officials were banned from using Telegram and WhatsApp messengers. This is reported by the Fontanka newspaper.

"In order to prevent the facts of compromise, destruction or modification of restricted access information, as well as to prevent prerequisites for such facts in the executive bodies of state power of St. Petersburg, I ask you to exclude the use of foreign messengers (WhatsApp, Telegram and others) for the exchange of official information," the letter from the head of the Committee on Informatization and Communications of the Government of St. Petersburg says.-St. Petersburg by Yulia Smirnova, dated September 4.

According to the publication, the requirement began to reach subordinate institutions later and already with reference to the orders of the committees in charge of them. In the letter, officials from the Russian city were urged to use the domestic Express messenger.

In early September, employees of the Ministry of Industry and Trade also received a letter in which they were reminded of the need to switch to the automated workplace of a civil servant "Wednesday" (ARM GS) for official interaction, and also warned about the threats of using Telegram.