OREANDA-NEWS The Russian government is working on developing measures to support green construction. This was stated by Nikita Stasishin, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services, during the Eastern Economic Forum (WEF), TASS reports.

Stasishin noted that much has already been done in this direction in the country. "GOST standards and standards have been adopted, and the regulatory framework is quite large. The only thing, of course, the implementation still requires separate support measures. So far, this is happening on the initiative of the DOM Development Institute.The Russian Federation, banks, operating organizations," the deputy minister added.

According to Stasishin, the agency is currently discussing with the Bank of Russia a new measure of support — the possibility of an additional interest rate deduction for project financing. "There is no source yet, but the topic is in the works," he said.

On August 1, a new GOST, the national standard for green individual housing construction, began to operate in Russia. The standard consists of eight categories that will help to evaluate the object in terms of its impact on the environment.