OREANDA-NEWS The government has found a way to overcome the personnel shortage in key sectors of the Russian economy through mass retraining of specialists. This is reported by the Vedomosti newspaper with reference to the federal project "Active measures to promote employment".

It is specified that this project will become part of the new national project "Personnel". The Ministry of Labor will be responsible for the implementation of the planned plan.

According to the main provisions of the document, Russian educational institutions will have to produce 250 thousand specialists for the needs of key sectors of the national economy in the period from 2025 to 2030. Thus, over the next six years, a total of 1.5 million people are expected to complete retraining programs. The government also expects to significantly increase the employment rate of graduates. It is planned that in six years, in the first year after graduation, this bar will rise to 77 percent, and in the second year after graduation to 81.4 percent.

Earlier, the Central Bank (CB) reported a record drop in the level of staffing of Russian companies. Thus, according to the regulator, by the end of the second quarter, the indicator fell to -30.8 points, which was the lowest value in the entire history of statistical observations. The personnel shortage has affected almost all key industries, including the IT sector, transport and logistics, as well as the manufacturing sector.