OREANDA-NEWS  In Russia, they wanted to toughen the punishment for insulting government officials online. This is reported by TASS with reference to the draft amendments to the Criminal Code (CC) at the disposal of the editorial board.

The document proposes amendments to Article 319 of the Criminal Code, which provides for liability for insulting a representative of the authorities in the performance of their official duties or in connection with their performance. The current version of the Criminal Code provides for three types of punishment — a fine, compulsory labor and correctional labor.

The authors of the amendments propose to double the maximum fine and the duration of correctional labor. It is proposed to increase the amount of compulsory work from 360 hours to 460 hours. At the same time, the maximum duration of compulsory work provided for by the Criminal Code is 480 hours.

The bill has already received the support of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Earlier, Russia called for stricter rules for migrants staying in the country. The Human Rights Council under the President of Russia noted that the country may not be able to cope with the flow of foreigners while maintaining the current situation.