OREANDA-NEWS  In Russia wanted to introduce new fines for drivers. We are talking about using any devices while driving, it follows from the bill published by the Ministry of Transport.

The ministry proposed to prohibit drivers "from using any device while driving that is not provided for by the design of the vehicle and requires the use of hands or distraction from driving the car while driving."

As stated in the document, all kinds of maps and navigators will make exceptions. "Except in cases where its functions are used without the use of hands for the purpose of determining the route of movement," follows from the draft resolution.

To date, the ban only applies to phone conversations by drivers — cameras record a violation when they notice a smartphone near a motorist's ear. Now they have proposed to expand the list to "all devices".

According to the Telegram channel Mash, the ban may apply to electronic cigarettes and vapes. As explained to the channel in the National Automobile Union, the fine may amount to one and a half thousand rubles.

The project is at the stage of public discussion, it is planned to finalize it before October 10.

According to the channel, the issue of banning smoking regular cigarettes while driving is also being discussed, but it will probably have to be considered separately.

Earlier, the State Duma Committee approved the introduction of a fine of up to five thousand rubles for dangerous driving, which includes refusal to give way when rebuilding, rebuilding in heavy traffic, unjustified sudden braking, non-compliance with the distance and lateral interval.