OREANDA-NEWS  In Russia, by 2029, the demand for employees from the "managers" category will fall, but the need for highly qualified specialists will increase. This was reported by RBC with reference to calculations carried out by experts of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection for the national project "Personnel".

The need for bosses will decrease by 533.2 thousand people. And most of all, by 200 thousand, in the field of wholesale trade and repair. In addition, demand in the manufacturing and construction segments will decrease by 100 and 79 thousand people, respectively.

The demand for highly qualified specialists will grow by 1.39 million people. The sectors of finance, information technology, trade, and real estate transactions will show a special need for them. However, in public administration and military security, the need for such personnel, albeit slightly (by 10 thousand), will decrease.

The demand for skilled workers in industry and construction will grow by 859.6 thousand people and by 502.3 thousand for medium-qualified specialists. In the latter case, employees will be most actively sought for the fields of construction, trade and healthcare. The need for plant and machine operators will increase by almost half a million.

According to the head of the Career and Skills direction in hh.ru Marina Dorokhova, the drop in demand for managers is associated with the trend towards building horizontal connections between employees and increasing their professional mobility. As a result, the need for strict hierarchical structures is decreasing, which means that fewer managers are needed. In addition, the massive introduction of electronic document management, the development of automation of production and unmanned vehicles has an impact.

Natalia Golovanova, head of the SuperJob Research Center, explained the predicted trends with digitalization and the introduction of new technologies into production. For example, in trading, terminals replace cashiers and sellers.

The national project proposes to solve the problem of personnel shortage through the development of a targeted recruitment of migrants, increasing the employment of disabled people and veterans, as well as through the development of an internship system.

Prior to that, Oleg Vyugin, a professor at the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences, predicted that Russia would be able to cope with the problem of labor shortage "at best" by 2030. Until then, there will continue to be a serious personnel shortage. Especially in the industrial sector.

According to some reports, in 2023, the shortage of personnel in Russia reached almost five million people. This situation is explained by the difficult demographic situation, the consequences of mobilization, as well as the growing activity of companies from the e-commerce segment.