OREANDA-NEWS The Russian Government has approved the Concept of Improving Procurement to meet state and municipal needs of small volume for the period up to 2027. This is reported by the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers.

The document systematizing the procedure for public procurement in the amount of up to 600 thousand rubles provides for the introduction of uniform rules for their implementation. It is noted that the changes will allow us to quickly meet some of the needs for goods, works, services and "ensure centralized accounting and traceability of purchases."

Using a catalog with a description of specific products, the customer will be able to choose the best price offer. Uniform requirements will also be established for the information systems used to carry out such procedures, primarily concerning reliability and security, the materials say.

According to Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, the provided tools "will accelerate small and frequent purchases and, most importantly, make them more transparent."

At the beginning of the year, the government prepared amendments to optimize all public procurement, including a ban on some foreign goods and services, RIA Novosti reports. In particular, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation proposed to extend it to foreign electric vehicles from 2025.