OREANDA-NEWS In Russia, in 2024, the activities of 45 terrorist cells were suppressed, more than 1,050 persons involved in terrorist activities were detained, the National Antiterrorist Committee said in a statement.

On Tuesday, a meeting of the NAC was held in Moscow under the leadership of the Chairman of the NAC, Director of the FSB of Russia Alexander Bortnikov, at which issues of increasing the readiness of the subjects of the Russian Federation "to repel terrorist attacks, as well as priority tasks for the prevention of terrorist threats in the context of a special military operation" were considered.

"More than 1,050 people have been detained for the preparation and commission of terrorist crimes, justification and propaganda of terrorism, financing of terrorists and providing them with assistance," the report says.
It is emphasized that threats from international terrorist organizations remain, whose emissaries are trying to introduce the ideas of radical Islamic movements that are unconventional for Russia, and are searching for perpetrators of terrorist attacks and armed attacks, mainly among the population of the North Caucasus and migrants from Central Asia."

"Coordinated actions of law enforcement agencies this year have suppressed the activities of forty-five clandestine cells of the ITO," the message adds.