OREANDA-NEWS  The number of participants of the sixth festival "Tavrida.ART", which took place in Crimea over the weekend, exceeded 60 thousand, the press service of the art cluster "Tavrida" reported.

"The festival of young multinational art "Tavrida" has ended in Crimea.ART." From July 26 to 28, the largest cultural and educational event in Russia dedicated to young art was attended by more than 60 thousand participants from all regions of Russia, as well as from 35 countries of the world," the message says.

It is specified that the festival program included 750 events of various formats: shows, concerts, theatrical productions and creative meetings, environmental workshops, sports races and immersion of art objects in an underwater art park, as well as many others.

The Festival of young art "Tavrida.Art" was held for the sixth time. Its purpose is to demonstrate the multifaceted and colorful cultural diversity of the peoples living on the territory of Russia. "Tavrida. Art" is included in the federal project "Youth of Russia" of the national project "Education" and is implemented with the support of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs. TASS is the general information partner of the festival.