OREANDA-NEWS  Emissions of harmful substances from enterprises and transport in Russia in 2023 amounted to 22 million tons, reaching a record low in five years. This is evidenced by the data of the audit and consulting network FinExpertiza, based on the materials of Rosprirodnadzor. A copy of the material is at the disposal of <url>.

Emissions decreased by one percent, or 229 thousand tons, compared to 2022. For every inhabitant of Russia in 2023, an average of 150.2 kilograms of harmful substances in the atmosphere were accounted for.

Emissions are being reduced despite an increase in industrial production (3.5 percent in 2023), said Elena Trubnikova, head of FinExpertiza. According to her, in recent years, enterprises have been actively investing in environmental protection. Thus, Russian business spent 271.5 billion rubles on preventing climate change in 2023.

The volume of harmful emissions has been steadily distributed in recent years: 77 percent is accounted for by enterprises, 23 percent by transport. Russian enterprises last year released 1.3 percent fewer pollutants into the air than a year earlier. The volume of exhaust emissions from cars remained at about the same level (a decrease of 0.2 percent). Among transport, cars are the main polluter, accounting for 97 percent of emissions.

Earlier it became known that Rosprirodnadzor is going to improve the quality of monitoring of polluting emissions in Russia. The Department was allocated 900 million rubles within the framework of the national project "Ecology", which should be directed to equipping laboratories with new modern equipment.