Greenpeace: the Amount of Garbage in Russia Has Increased by 80% During Last 19 Years
OREANDA-NEWS The amount of waste produced per each inhabitant of Russia in the year increased by 80% from 2000. This was announced on Wednesday by the coordinator of the project "Zero waste" Greenpeace Russia Alexander Ivannikov at a special meeting of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society and human rights, dedicated to the prevention of waste.
"If in 2000 one person in Russia accounted for about 220 kg of waste, to date, this figure has increased to 400 kg per person per year. We get an 80 percent increase in the amount of waste," Alexander Ivannikov said.
Ivannikov noted that, according to Rosprirodnadzor, the negative dynamics in the growth of waste leads to an increase in the volume of discarded packaging. In addition, according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, up to 30% of municipal solid waste contains food fraction.
It is necessary to Supplement the norms of the current legislation on waste management, to consider amendments to the technical regulations of the Customs Union, the rules for the sale of certain types of goods and sanitary and epidemiological rules, said the Head of the Human Rights Counsil Mikhail Fedotov.
"It is necessary to Supplement the norms of the current legislation on waste management. And in particular - to consider amendments to the technical regulations of the Customs Union. For example, on the safety of packaging, safety of toys and so on, a lot of these documents that will need to be significantly adjusted," - said the head of the Council on Wednesday at the 66th special meeting of the Council.