OREANDA-NEWS Gazprom is preparing projects for four new underground gas storage facilities in salt reservoirs, an overview of such was presented by Sergey Khan, Head of Gazprom's Underground Gas Storage department, at the conference "Underground Structures 2024".

Such storage facilities are characterized by increased flexibility of operation compared to UGS in porous layers. Currently, there are two UGS in salts in Russia - in the Kaliningrad and Volgograd regions. Facilities in Belarus and Armenia were also built in the Soviet Union.

In the presentation, Khan spoke about the planned UGS: Novomoskovskoye (at the design stage) in the Tula region, Angarsk (geological exploration) in Irkutsk, Serpukhov and Seregovskoye (technical and economic analysis) in the Kaluga Region and the Komi Republic, respectively.

He stressed that the expansion of the storage system close to the places of consumption (and not production) increases the flexibility of the system during peak consumption periods: "We do not earn money from gas storage. But we cannot say that we are completely without money: the operation of the gas transmission system is being optimized. Both production and transport can be set to some average values, and all sharp peaks in consumption or emergencies can be met by underground storage facilities, which are located, for example, in the Samara region. There is a storage facility right near the city of Shchelkovo, there is an Elshan storage facility - within the city of Saratov, there is one right under Kaluga. The mining sites are far away, the average transit distance is 2.5 thousand km. If you give the command to increase production on Monday morning, gas will arrive in Moscow only on Thursday morning at a speed of 40 km/h. And it's a completely different matter - the UGS, which are located nearby."

Gazprom's underground gas storage system has 27 facilities. About 20-22% of Russia's total consumption is in storage.

"If it is a cold winter, then in terms of supplies to the domestic Russian market, UGS can give 50%. If we take more exports, about 40-44% of UGS can be issued. If we compare it with Gazprom's production, we can proudly say that more than 60% can be obtained during the winter cold periods from UGS in the context of the day," Khan added.