OREANDA-NEWS  The volume of production of a number of food products in Russia is sufficient both to meet the needs of the domestic market and for export supplies. This was stated by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin during a government meeting, as quoted by RIA Novosti.

"Grain, meat, sugar, fish, vegetable oil — all this is enough for us and for supplying partners abroad," the head of the Cabinet of Ministers estimated. At the same time, fruit and vegetable harvests have increased in the country, an increase of about 11 percent, he added.

Simultaneously with the growth of agricultural production, new logistics capacities for storing large amounts of food are also emerging. In addition, according to the results of last year, 49 new and reconstructed meat farming facilities, over 170 dairy farms and complexes were put into operation in the Russian Federation, Mishustin added. The head of government stressed that Russia has managed to increase the processing of raw milk, "which is very important."

Earlier, Mishustin said that no sanctions prevented Russian agribusiness from promoting domestic agricultural raw materials and food for export. He recalled that the Russian Federation is in third place in the world in barley trade and in second place in the supply of cereals and legumes, as well as sunflower and rapeseed oil, and in first place in wheat exports.