OREANDA-NEWS  The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) of Russia has opened a case against Alfa-Bank on the grounds of violations in advertising a business account, the agency reported.

"The FAS has recognized improper advertising of the account for the business of Alfa-Bank JSC. The Bank did not specify the essential terms of financial services... The service opened a case against the bank and found the advertisement inappropriate," the message says.

It is indicated that citizens contacted the service with complaints about Alfa-Bank's advertising, which was distributed in the Moscow metro. The advertisement claimed that payments and transfers for businesses amount to zero rubles. However, the bank's official website stated that such conditions apply only to "customers with a subscription", and the limit on free transfers and payments to individuals is 10 million rubles per month, the message says.

Such actions of a credit institution may mislead consumers and contain signs of violation of the law on advertising, the agency added.

Earlier, the service initiated proceedings against the bank, suspecting violations in the advertising of the loyalty program, credit, credit and debit cards, as well as for indicating in the advertising false, in its opinion, information about the acquiring fee.