OREANDA-NEWS  The European Union has decided to impose sanctions against 20 Russians, including singer Polina Gagarina. This was reported by the EUobserver portal. According to him, the 14th package of sanctions will include twenty individuals and 22 legal entities who will become persona non grata. This will happen if representatives of the 27 EU states can reach an agreement by meeting in Brussels on Wednesday.

Russian businessmen Igor Altushkin, Roman Trotsenko and Taimuraz Bolloev and Alexey Goreslavsky, Director General of the Institute for Internet Development (IRI), will be sanctioned. Restrictions may also apply to the heads of Russian military factories, some officials and energy companies. There is a version that the sanctions will affect the Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering (Tsniitochmash).

"The EU sanctions package also includes restrictions on the supply of Russian liquefied natural gas, sanctions against the oil tanker fleet, helium exports and restrictions on access to dual-use technologies," the newspaper writes.