OREANDA-NEWS Delegations from 15 friendly countries have confirmed their participation in the international naval Salon "Fleet-2024", which will be held in Kronstadt, the press service of the administration of the Governor of St. Petersburg reported.

"From June 19 to 23, St. Petersburg will host the most long-awaited event of the maritime industry - the International Naval Salon Fleet 2024... At the moment, more than 210 participants from 15 friendly countries have confirmed their participation in the salon," the message says.

The venue of the Naval salon will be the congress and exhibition center at the Museum of Naval Glory on the territory of the tourist and recreational cluster "Island of Forts".

"For the second year in a row, the Naval Salon is being held in Kronstadt. Thanks to the large-scale project "Island of Forts", which is being implemented on behalf of the President of Russia, Kronstadt has become a center for preserving the history of the Russian navy. In addition to museums and theme parks dedicated to the heroes of the sailors, modern exhibition grounds have been created here to showcase the achievements of the maritime industry. Among other things, scientific and technical developments and products of St. Petersburg enterprises and design bureaus will be widely presented," said Alexander Beglov, Governor of St. Petersburg, whose words are quoted in the message.

As reported in June in the press service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, modern Russian warships and submarines, including the modernized Varshavyanka and the Buyan-M missile ship, will be demonstrated at the International Maritime Salon in Kronstadt.