OREANDA-NEWS  Belarus and Russia in Geneva declared the need to preserve the nuclear non-proliferation regime, this is stated in a joint statement by the two countries at the second session of the Preparatory Committee for the Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).

"We, the States parties to the Treaty on the Establishment of the Union State of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, reaffirm our commitment to preserving and strengthening the nuclear non-proliferation regime. The Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation proceed from the fact that the NPT is extremely important for strengthening global security," the document says, quoted by the Permanent Mission of Belarus to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva.

The statement stresses that the NPT "is one of the central elements of the arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation system. Preserving the basic values of the Treaty and promoting its effectiveness is not only the responsibility of all participating States, but also one of the priorities for maintaining stability on a global scale."

"We have to state that at the moment the situation in the field of international security and strategic stability is not conducive to disarmament activities. A number of closely interrelated factors create an acutely negative atmosphere that hinders progress on this track, including efforts in the field of nuclear arms control and nuclear disarmament," the document says.