OREANDA-NEWS The Russian government has generally supported a bill that would oblige Apple to allow the installation of the Russian RuStore app store, as well as downloading domestic programs, payments and other functions. However, the parliamentarians were asked to finalize the document taking into account the comments of the Cabinet of Ministers.

"The government of the Russian Federation supports the bill, provided it is finalized taking into account these comments," the official response of the Cabinet of Ministers, which is available to TASS, says.

By default, the App Store from the company itself is installed on the iPhone and other Apple gadgets. Alternative stores are not provided - in most countries, third-party applications can only be installed unofficially. But exceptions have been made for individual states: in particular, Apple had to make concessions in the European Union.

In addition, some built-in functions, including payments via Apple Pay, have been unavailable in Russia since the beginning of 2022 due to sanctions.

As one of the authors of the bill, Anton Gorelkin, deputy head of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, noted, the document prohibits "discrimination of Russian developers' applications in the App Store" and is aimed at speeding up the appearance of RuStore on iOS.