OREANDA-NEWS  Almost all sewage treatment plants in Russia are worn out. This was stated by the deputies of the State Duma, Izvestia reports.

According to Sergei Kolunov, a member of the State Duma Committee on Construction and Housing and Communal Services, most of the sewage treatment plants in the country were built in the 60s and 70s. Now the degree of deterioration of these structures is on average 80 percent, and in some regions — 90 percent. Deputy Ilya Wolfson added that only one to two percent of the municipal infrastructure is updated every year, despite the fact that the wear is three percent.

At the moment, the Ministry of Construction is working on the construction and reconstruction of wastewater treatment facilities within the framework of several federal projects. In addition, the authorities are going to launch a new project to modernize the municipal infrastructure, which will have a budget of 4.5 trillion rubles.

Wolfson noted that thanks to national projects, the situation had moved forward, but federal projects did not extend to the whole country. According to him, 4.5 trillion is a large sum, but it will only be enough to solve burning problems. To solve the situation, it is necessary to create conditions to increase the investment attractiveness of the housing and communal services system as a whole.

Earlier in Russia, it was proposed to limit the volume of daily drinking water consumption per person to five liters. Elena Dovlatova, Executive Director of the Russian Association of Water Supply and Sanitation, called for the introduction of such a measure.