OREANDA-NEWS  For the first time, Beber's eco-volunteers took part in the Arctic "Clean Games": employees, partners and customers of the bank collected garbage in the protected northern territories of the country in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Arkhangelsk Region. We are talking about team competitions for the separate collection and sorting of waste. In total, 53 tons of garbage were collected as part of the Arctic Cup. About this "Tape.<url>" was told in the press service of the bank.

The main cause of Arctic pollution is the so-called garbage storms, scientists from the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov have found out. In the Russian Arctic, unlike other parts of the world's oceans, garbage does not accumulate on the surface of the water — it is thrown ashore. "The Arctic is home to more than 20 thousand species of plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms, many of which are endemic. Therefore, the involvement of volunteers and caring residents, public organizations and businesses in cleaning up the Arctic is especially important for preserving its unique natural ecosystem," says Tatyana Zavyalova, Senior Vice President for ESG at Sberbank.

This year, the Arctic Games were held for the fourth time. From June 1 to June 30, 2024, 45 games were held in 35 northern cities, where 2 thousand participants, united in 550 teams, collected 53 tons of garbage. Half of the waste collected in the framework of eco-competitions went to recycling and secondary production.

"This season, environmental athletes have cleared the territory of several natural protected areas, parks and squares in towns and cities of the Arctic from household and construction debris," says Anna Kupryakova, head of the regional department of the Clean Games project. While cleaning up the garbage, eco volunteers found an electric stove, a stove, a metal barrel, cots and baby strollers, a children's tricycle, a hiking mug, a wooden national toy of the peoples of the North and a chest with puzzles.

The "Clean Games" have been held in Russia since 2014, in 2023 the ecotourn was held for the first time as an international championship - the competitions were held in the CIS countries.

In the spring, more than 200 tons of garbage were collected in the "Eurasian Cup of Cleanliness: Russia" with the support of the BEAC. Thanks to the cooperation with the BEAC, which has been a partner of eco-competitions for the third year in a row, it was possible to set a new record for the number of games and participating cities of the tournament. During the season, 146 games were held in 98 localities of the country, in which 120 teams from the bank took part.