OREANDA-NEWS 148 adult patients with signs of botulism remain on inpatient treatment in Russia; 44 people are on artificial lung ventilation, Alexei Kuznetsov, Assistant Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, told Interfax.

"232 people have been discharged from hospitals in connection with the improvement of their condition, including 3 children," Kuznetsov said.

Medical organizations have a sufficient amount of anti-botulinum serum and other medicines to provide the necessary medical care, the assistant minister noted.

Patients with signs of botulism began to be admitted to hospitals in several regions of Russia in mid-June. The cases were identified in Moscow, the Moscow region, the Nizhny Novgorod region and Kazan.

On June 24, it became known that a 21-year-old resident of the Kostroma region, who contracted botulism during a visit to relatives in Nizhny Novgorod, died in hospital.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, whose specialists are conducting an epidemiological investigation, the victims ate products "Lobio Salad" manufactured by Lokalkitchen LLC (brand "Kitchen in the area") and "Salad with tuna, beans and apple" manufactured by Gastroport LLC. Later, the ministry reported that the cause of mass infection with botulism in a number of regions of the Russian Federation was beans supplied for lobio salad, suppliers and manufacturers of dangerous food products were identified, their activities were suspended, dangerous products were withdrawn from circulation.

The Investigative Committee has opened a criminal case on the mass poisoning of Moscow residents, in which four suspects were detained.

The operation of the ready-made food delivery service "Kitchen in the area" has been suspended.